ESSF - Excellent Student Support Fund

The ESSF offers financial support
to 3 students providing first class scientific contributions.


  • Free Registration to the next EFCF conference,
    including all offered services for student participation.

And in case of a physical participation:

  • 300.- CHF cash contribution for accommodation and/or travel.
    EFCF offers tips for finding convenient accommodation on the FAQ page. Booking of hotels and travel remains the sole responsibility of the student.


Students with valid identification need to:

  1. Fulfil the Abstract Submission Procedure (see Call for Papers and Time Schedule)
    Hold all deadlines, i.e. upload in time the 1-page abstract (30. Nov)
    and then the full length manuscript (extended abstract/paper, 30 April).
    Both have to be accepted by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).

  2. Mail to a concise application letter,
    including motivation and references to prior scientific publications.

All of the above steps must be completed by 30 April in the year of the conference.
The ESSF will then evaluate the applications and contributions,
and will inform the supported students no later than the middle of May.

EFCF will publish in the proceedings at least the first page
of the contributions submitted by the supported students.

There will be no further correspondence concerning the ESSF and the Evaluation, 
i.e. not supported students will usually not be contacted again.
In case of questions please consult and/or email forum@EFCFcom.