19-20 October 2020
GSM 2020 : Grid Service Market symposium
20 October 2020
10:00 –17:00 Tutorials:
- EIS: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
- FCH: Fuel Cells. Electrolyser & H2 (www.EFCF.com/Tutorials)
11:00 –16:00 Exhibition & poster set-up
16:00 Opening of Exhibition & Registration
18:00 “Welcome Reception“
21 October 2020
09:00 –18:00
International and Industrial Overviews – Keynotes – Oral and Poster Sessions, Exhibition
“Swiss Surprise Night“: An enjoyable exchange event with Swiss cuisine, folklore, culture and drinks
22 October 2020
09:00 –18:00
Keynotes – Oral and Poster Sessions, Exhibition, Special Events such as www.GridServiceMarket.com Symposium etc.
“Dinner on the Lake“: Unique pleasure boat tour with music and picturesque scenery, an unforgettable networking event
23 October 2020
09:00 –17:00
Oral and Poster Sessions – Plenary Keynotes, Exhibition, Schoenbein Medal Award, Closing Ceremony