Fuel Cell, Electrolyser & Hydrogen

0.5 ECTS credits; Level: kick-start;
Tuesday, 1 July 2025, 9:30 - 17:00; Tutorial Language is English
On-site in Lucerne Switzerland and/or On-line in the Virtual Room*

by:   Dr. Günther G. SchererElectrochemistry Laboratory of Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
          MER Dr. Jan Van HerleLaboratory of Industrial Energy Systems of EPFL

To book the FCH-Tutorial go to the On-line Registration. 
If it is not already open and for questions about (early) registration
for this tutorial or any other EFCF events, please email forum@efcf.com.

Sufficient number of virtual participants required, however
the FCH tutorial is also available as an On-Demand Tutorial.

The FCH Tutorial lectures will cover:

Fuel cell reactions, thermodynamics, kinetics, triple-phase boundary, efficiency, different types of electrolytes, cell and stack structures, fuel and air supply, internal and external fuel reforming, fuels for fuel cells, typical applications fuel cell systems and market introduction for the most popular types of fuel cells: PEFC, DMFC, AFC, PAFC, MCFC, and SOFC as well as hydrogen and fuel supply.

View the Preliminary Content   

See here the Added Values of the FCH-Tutorial.

FCH Tutorial Schedule:

09:30 Registration & Get-Together in the virtual rooms 
10:00 Welcome & Introduction (EFCF)
10:15 Lecture 1: Fundamentals of Electrochemical Energy Conversion (GGS)
11.00 Lecture 2: Characteristics of the Important Fuel Cell Technologies (GGS)
11:45 Coffee break
12.00 Lecture 3: Fuels for Fuel Cells, Fuel Processing (JVh)
12:45 Lunch break
14:00 Lecture 4: Applications of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells PEFC (GGS)
14:45 Lecture 5: System Aspects, Applications of High Temp. Fuel Cells SOFC (JVh)
15.30 Coffee break
15:45 Lecture 6: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, Summary (JVh)
17:00 End of Tutorial, Opportunity to Visit the Exhibition

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