After the Covid years 2020 and 2021, it has become 2022 clear again that the networking value of a physical event in particular is very high and is valued accordingly. It is the spontaneous and also planned personal exchange over coffee and food, in the hallways or at the appreciated social events that makes it additionally attractive. The relaxed, special atmosphere in Lucerne around the EFCF is very inspiring and a crystallization point for many projects and cooperations. No one wants to miss out on these opportunities. Of course, it is never possible for everyone to be present. Nowadays, new digital tools and features support useful and effective transmission of technical content, making it possible to attend live the presentations remotely from anywhere in the world and ask questions via chat. The sessions are also recorded and can later be accessed by members on-demand in the Memberzone. This also provides the opportunity to review the content in detail later. While all of this provides tremendous support for technical exchange and development collaboration, and thus for maintaining and growing the EFCF community, it does not replace physical presence and interaction.
EFCF 2023 will again take place as a physical and virtual event - hybrid - offering participants from all continents, regardless of limitations and origin, the opportunity to contribute and participate. However, being present in person in Lucerne is an unbeatable win-win situation for all. Therefore, it makes sense that only physically present participants have the coveted opportunity to present orally.