Dear EFCF Stakeholders thank you for your interest and exchange.

EFCF is a small, modern, partly virtual company. Such a virtual, dynamic collaboration also  bears the risk that something might be overlooked or that the answers might be delayed. The whole EFCF team would like to apologize for this and will always try to catch up on what should still be open. In addition we offer the following HELP options so that you might also help yourself (see also below the tiles):

  1. FAQ I:  Frequently Asked Questions
  2. FAQ II: Frequently Asked Questions for virtual issues
  3. Answer not found yet?
    - Send an email to 
    - Request via Contact Form
  4. Need urgent answer and must call
    Regular EFCF Number:   +41 44 586 56 44 (forwarded to staff)
    Emergency Number:        +41 78 252 02 45 (hotline during event in July)