2 -5 July 2024, KKL, Lucerne (Switzerland)

The technical exhibition will offer industry and research institutions the opportunity to showcase systems, new materials, innovative systems, system components, test benches, electrolysis technology, research results etc. 

Free entrance and open to the public

The exhibition is open to the public. Exhibitors should feel free to invite familiar customers or new clients to Lucerne.

Opening hours  
Tuesday 16-18 h
Wednesday and Thursday 09-18 h
Friday 09-12 h

2022 was the last Solid Oxide Technology related physical exhibition, where nearly 40 international laboratories and companies, including the relevant OEMs showcased their products and applications at the exhibition and demonstration area.

Among others, the following companies have presented in the previous SOFC & SOE editions:
Anan Kasei, AVL, Boeing, Bosal, Robert Bosch, Cap Co, Ceraco Ceramic Coating, Ceramatec, Ceramic Powder Technology, CCTC, CeramTec, Ceres Power, CerPoTech, Convion, EBZ, Elcogen, Haldor Topsøe, Hexis/Viessmann, Kerafol, Nissan, Plansee, SOLIDpower, Sunfire, Sylfen, ThyssenKrupp, Toho Gas, Tokyo Gas

The EFCF - Electrolyser & Fuel Cell FORUM is known for its relaxed atmosphere, good food services and unique entertainment. Social gatherings like the "Swiss Surprise" or the "Dinner on the Lake" create excellent opportunities for networking and to cultivate old and new friendships.