Click here , if you have so far no EFCF login and like to become a NEW AUTHOR .
File your contact data and then Login and Up-Load your Abstracts or Papers.
STORE your username (=email) and password !
No Panic & Quality before Stress - If something does not work, e.g. you do not get a confirmation email due to input or system errors, spam filters or any reasons... send an email to forum@efcf.com, so we have recorded you & can solve the case together with the required time.
You have already a valid EFCF Login then please LOGIN HERE
and Up-Load your Abstracts/Papers with the on-line form.
Forgot your password?
Please enter your username or email address. Instructions for resetting the password will be immediately emailed to you.
Permanent Login-ERROR:
If you get during the login a repeatedly unknowable ERROR, please email to , that we can help you to login. The error might be due to an imperfect profile. You can try to create a new one by Filing Contact Data. You can try it with the same email or preferabel with an other one. Please fill in all mandatory fields.