Explanation of PoC --> PEY
PoC - Proceedings of the Confernce
The Proceedings of the Confernce - PoC - are not public. They are for the EFCF event and until completion of the PEY (see below) only accessible to event participants and authorized EFCF Memberzone members - www.EFCF.com/Memberzone. Membership is given to all event participants as a gift. However, it can also be purchased after the event. Please register for various services and on-demand streams.
The PoC serve to support, prepare and follow up the presentations and may not be passed on or quoted as they are not public. In future, the contributions will be accessible as individual files and no longer compiled in several volumes. The reason for this is the individual publication wishes.
PEY - Proceedings of an EFCF event Year
The final Proceedings of an EFCF event Year - PEY - are pubic. They will be made available open access and online in the www.EFCF.com/LIBRARY. They are derived from the PoC and shortened to take in to account the individual publication wishes.
Only articles, for which the authors expressly request this, remain in the PEY. In addition, these are then published with a DOI in the EFCF community of the generalpurpose open-access repository www.Zenodo.org / www.EFCF.com/DOI .
For all others that have been selected for a SPECIAL ISSUE - www.EFCF.com/SI or like to publish "ELSEWHERE", at most the one-page short abstract remains in the public PEY (see EFCF Publication Policy www.EFCF.com/PP).