Dear EFCF stakeholder
Untill the week before EFCF 2020, we the Chairs and Organisers of the EFCF saw good chances to offer a safe and exciting European Electrolyser and Fuel Cell Forum in hybrid format – though the exponential infection curve (2nd wave) and the threatened quarantine regulation from the government and also from institutions forces several participants to change their registration from physical to virtual. And also we had to accept, that we have to switch to an All Virtual Forum at a very short notice.
In our tradition, we intended to offer not only a very strong program with many excellent presentation on all aspects of SOC, but also the opportunity to experience the famous Spirit of Lucerne networking.
Safety first – we still want to offer you both content and personal exchange, now in an All Virtual form.
Register for an on-demand VIRTUAL attendance
Together with our Chairs - Anke Hagen & Peter Vang Hendrikson from DTU a lively and exciting virtual conference with up to 250 contributions is organised. Find here the latest news about the program.
We invite you still to register for the on-demand virtual high level conference with oral sessions, including keynotes, invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, exhibition, tutorials and additional side events, like the preceding GSM 2020 (Grid Service Market symposium). It is also possible to book it with special EFCF rebate.
Best regards and stay healthy!
The EFCF organizing committee