On-DEMAND Streams "Previews"

EFCF 2024, July 3 - July 5

Since 2020 EFCF events are live streamed and live accessible. The records of the streams
are made available for on-demand view at any time and location in the EFCF Community with a PublicZone and a MemberZone.

Here in the PublicZone  complete key presentations and previews of interesting contributed presentations are made available for free. To access all available full length streams of the recorded sessions go to the MemberZone. Former EFCF participants can easily login as a member and view the year of attendance and before. If you are not already a member, please register first for EFCF membership and get all the access rights.

To get the On-Demand Video Stream, press on the corresponding session.
Press "LIKE", when you like to recommend it to other visitors
and get more instructions here to find a specific contribution.

Experience the EFCF 2024:

For an overview get the Final Announcement with the Session Program