Chapter 01 - A02, A07, B07, A11, A17 -> No posters
Chapter 02 - A03, A05, A06, A13 ______________________________________________________ Technology status at industry and major groups I+II; Products, demonstrations, novel concepts & BoP
Chapter 03 - A08, A16; A12 ______________________________________________________ System design & performance & BoP; SOC integration, Power-to-X, CO2 capture etc.
A0807 - Experimental analysis of a pressurized 30 kW SOFC system with fuel gas recirculation at reaction temperature
A0810 -Teaching FCH Technologies in a Masters’ Course across Europe
A1207 - E-fuels for SOFC mobility – A Systematic Approach
A1211 - Production of CO from CO2 using low-temperature, molten carbonate and solid oxide electrolysis
A1212 - Sn Electrodeposition on Gas Diffusion Electrodes for the Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
A1214 - Operation and Scale-Up of a Lab. scale Power-to-Liquid plant
A1217 - Model-based assessment of the integration of a high temperature electrolysis in green steelmaking routes
A1219 - Utilization of Solid Wastes as H2S Adsorbent for Biogas-fueled SOFC System
A1221 - Integrating SOEs with a methanation reactor for methane gas production using an MCFC for CO2 capture from biogas
A1608 - Design of a 10-kW SOFC Hot Box Module with Recirculation
A1609 - Consistent modeling and testing theory of high effectiveness heat exchanger performance by means of Shannon 1948 entropy
A1611 - Online characterization of operational parameters in a SOFC-system with anode-exhaust gas recirculation by oxygen sensors
Chapter 04 - A09; A14 ______________________________________________________ Emerging SO technology electrode investigation and modelling; Proton Conducting Cells, Stacks and materials
Chapter 05 - A15; B13 ______________________________________________________ Cell, stack & system modelling and optimization; Cells, stacks, and interconnects
A1508 - Part-load Operations of Water-Cooled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack
A1511 - Computational analysis of mass transfer limitation in porous electrodes of solid oxide electrochemical cell
A1512 - Analysing the Impact of Electrode Materials and Microstructures on SOFC Stack and System Level Performance
A1513 - Towards model-based optimization of CGO/Ni anodes
A1515 - Characteristics of a Planar SOFC With Load Variation
A1516 - Anode and electrolyte supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: experimentation and modelling
A1517 - Modeling and simulation of an H2 production system based on solid oxide electrolysis
B1308 - New concepts for solid oxide cells manufacturing: The use of 3D printing technologies
Chapter 06 - B03; B05 ______________________________________________________ Manufacturing processes; Fuel electrodes
B0308 - Characterization of femtosecond-laser-structured solid oxide electrolysis cell
B0309 - Thin-film Gd-doped Ceria Diffusion Barrier Layers for Electrolyte Supported Solid Oxide Cells
B0313 - Large cell, short-term stability testing of Au-Mo- modified Ni/GDC for solid oxide co-electrolysis
B0314 - Fabrication of SOFC Stacks with Metal-Brazed Separator for Enhanced Durability under Thermal Cycling
B0317 - Novel Co- and Ni- free oxygen electrode architecture with a patterned electrode/electrolyte interface
B0319 - Engineering and optimization of electrode/electrolyte interfaces to increase solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performances
B0509 - Electrochemical performance and carbon resistance comparison between Sn, Cu, Ag, and Rh-doped Ni/ScCeSZ anode SOFCs operated by biogas
B0510 - Microstructure, performance and stability of thin film Ni-YSZ anodes
Chapter 07 - B06, B08 ______________________________________________________ Advanced characterization I+II
Chapter 08 - B09, B15; B16 ______________________________________________________ Lifetime: Stacks, cells, components and interfaces; Lifetime: Interconnects and contact layers
B0910 - Long term behaviour of solid oxide electrolyser (SOEC) stacks
B0911 - Degradation Analysis of SOFC Performance
B0912 - Cyclic degradation analysis of reversible Solid Oxide Cell short-stack
B1507 - Analysis of H2S related performance degradation- and regeneration of Ni/YSZ and Ni/GDC SOFCs fueled with biomass gasifier product gas
B1509 - Towards stable SOEC operation: identification of degradation-inducing operating parameters and degradation minimization by interlayer variation
B1510 - Degradation monitoring and performance optimization of rSOC
B1511 - Effect of Strontium Segregation on Electrochemical Impedance Spectra for La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ Cathodes
B1513 - Real-time Operando Observation of Nickel-Gadolinia Doped Ceria Patterned Electrode
B1607 - Application of composite coatings as protection/contacting layers for metallic high-chromium-content SOFC interconnect material