4 July 8 - 17 KKL: Club Rooms 4 July 8 - 17 KKL: Club Rooms | FCH-Tutorial Fuel Cell, Electrolyser & Hydrogen 0.5 ECTS; Level: kick-start; EIS-Tutorial Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; 0.5 ECTS; Level: advanced; | www.EFCF.com/FCH www.EFCF.com/EIS
5 July 11 - 6 July 18 KKL: Club Rooms | MEEP 2022 4th international symposium on Microbial, Enzymatic & Bio-Photovoltaic Electrochemical Reactors Organised in conjunction with www.Cost-PHOENIX.eu | www.EFCF.com/MEEP |
5 July 14 .30 KKL: Auditorium 5 July 19 .30 extern | FiveT - Investor Action Pioneering Investment Platform Presentation on Enabling Champions Exclusive investor network dinner Apply >here for an invitation. | www.EFCF.com/FiveT |
6 July 9 - 13 KKL: Business and Media Room 1 | KICstartH2 International project meeting on education and innovation in business and management. | www.EFCF.com/KICstartH2 |